I've decided to join up with this reading challenge, which involves reading five books (fiction or non-fiction) on WWII in the 2009 calendar year. I love reading challenges way too much. In any case, I can choose to read five or more, and right now (because I'm a bit of a challenge whore) I've decided to challenge myself to read five. Here's a tentative list of what I might read:
Julie Otsuka, When the Emperor Was Divine
Jeanne Houston, Farewell to Manzanar
Anita Shreve, Resistance
Those are the only definites thus far, and I'm certainly open to suggestions. Can't wait to get started!
my dad would highly recommend a book called Arn's War (published by the U. Akron Press), a memoir published a few years ago, just before Mr. Arn died. he's so enthusiastic about it--he's read it probably a dozen times and buys copies to keep on the shelf to give as gifts. he even hunted down a hardback to donate to the library--no small feat, as the UA Press has been out for over a year. I'll be borrowing his copy to read on my next trip home, probably next Christmas.
Thanks for signing up for the challenge! Glad to have you on board. Resistance is my favorite of all Shreve's novels. You're in for a treat.
Diary of an Eccentric
FYI; For all 2009 WWII Reading Participants, the giveaways are up and ready for entrants.
go here: http://warthroughthegenerations.wordpress.com/2010/01/07/international-2009-wwii-reading-challenge-giveaways-revealed/
Diary of an Eccentric
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