Carp(e) Libris is giving away a copy of The Painter of Shanghai by Jennifer Cody Epstein. The Painter of Shanghai is a fictionalized account of the life of painter Pan Yuliang. To enter, leave a comment on the post explaining what you know, think, or find interesting about Chinese art and culture. To get there, just click on the book cover, above. You can also be entered by subscribing to the blog. And be sure to check out the rest of the blog- it's a nice, eclectic mix of books, and I could stare at the banner all day. I have to admit, blog design is something I totally can't do, but fully admire. A well-designed blog is just so visually pleasing. (Speaking of, look for a post on that forthcoming- I've been wanting to showcase beautiful blogs for awhile.)

Book Room Reviews is currently running a contest with a fantastic prize: a copy of Mia King's book, The Sweet Life, as well as Hawaiian chocolate and biscottis. All this comes in one awesome gift basket. This one is most certainly worth investigating. The prizes for this contest were generously donated by the author, Mia King. In addition, she's agreed to answer questions on the blog. This is quite the event. Other very cool things about the blog: note the adorable little characters (book worms?) that serve as avatars for the comments. Also, I clicked on her full-body avatar on the left, and discovered a wonderful, fun new website: Design-her gals. I could (and did tonight) spend far too much time playing around designing different versions of myself. Start playing here: http://www.designhergals.com/?nav=start.
Finally, Allison's Attic is offering a copy of The 19th Wife on her blog. All you have to do is leave a comment on her post. While you're there, make sure you check out Allison's awesome self-portrait. I want to know where she got her giant tome. Click on the book cover to get to the blog!
Thanks for listing my contest and esp. the compliment Laurie:) I really like your blog! So pretty
LOL..thanks for listing the contest..putting all the names in now to find out who wins!! Giant Tome?? not sure what your commenting on..but curious!!
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